1、sequentially-laminated mulitlayer

2、sequentially closed set

3、Multiple issues are resolved sequentially.

4、"Assign network numbers sequentially from:\0

5、Activities can execute sequentially, or in parallel.

6、The elements inside a Sequence node will be executed sequentially.

7、Note that these need to be done sequentially.

8、For complex interactions, mediations can be chained sequentially.

9、The Number column indicates the number of logical logs sequentially.

10、How multiple requests are processed (in parallel or sequentially).

11、The fields shown in Listing 13 correspond to each line sequentially.

12、And parts of our journey happen in parallel rather than sequentially.

13、Designing a tree model that can be written only sequentially allows efficiencies to be achieved.

14、There are several reasons for which a report will provide better performance when running sequentially.

15、This component is implemented as a business process because the activities are executed sequentially.

16、Easier to debug because the messages are all handled sequentially and the flow is not disjointed by callbacks and interrupts.

17、The purpose was simple, during the show the composed soundtracks were being played sequentially through the corresponding artist's speaker system.

18、The results felicitously explain that the number of introns distributed in vertebrates, Diptera and nematodes are declining sequentially.

19、With standard PHP V4 and lower, all the work of a PHP application had to be done sequentially.

20、ALIT. Equipment located in a Central office which sequentially tests lines in the office for battery crosses and grounds.

21、The connecting collecting pipe is formed by sequentially connecting a plurality of three ways through two ports thereof, and the heat pipes are inserted in the third ports.

22、This element is to provide randomization for a test run sequence, rather than running the test sequentially, by adding random selector.

23、Messaging, especially when combined with concurrent processing, enables programs to process information sequentially, even if there may be multiple requests coming from different locations.

24、The genes sequentially instruct the cells to produce proteins called antigens on their surfaces that are recognized by defense cells called T-cells.

25、Without asynchrony, the SHIP operators in the plan execute sequentially to access the respective nicknames and to generate sorted streams of data.

26、The freight dump trailer is provided with the plurality of carriage bodies and unloads the cargos sequentially for a plurality of times, so the unloading safety is very high.

27、Once the rows are sorted, the algorithm for joining the two tables is easy: the database server simply reads both sorted tables sequentially and merge all rows if they are matching.

28、2. Where the customs value cannot be determined under the provisions of Article 1, it is to be determined by proceeding sequentially through the succeeding Articles to the first such Article under which the customs value can be determined.

29、With them the process of units work, failure, repair and renovation is described, sequentially the dynamic failure and availability of the units can be computed under the influence of the repair time.

30、Under these circumstances many people running traces will be much more effective than a few people running traces sequentially- even if the few have a much higher average skill level.