1、sealing certificate [ballot box]

2、sealing device [ballot box]

3、The people make their wishes known through the ballot box.

4、The character on the brassiere reads' ballot box '.

5、Several factors explain this surge in enthusiasm for the ballot box.

6、Now the villagers have used the ballot box to show their rejection of the official explanation.

7、Never mind the ballot box: vote with your supermarket trolley instead.

8、Mr Schwarzenegger has proposed suspending a spending formula that voters explicitly chose at the ballot box.

9、I even expected the ballot box to be wrapped in barbed wire, with blood dripping from some of the barbs.

10、Nationalism is built out of frustration that people feel when they cannot get their way through the ballot box.

11、Then it dawned on neoconservatives and liberal internationalists that there is more to all this than a ballot box.

12、With a quick Google image search for "ballot boxes, " he landed on a shot of a balding fellow standing behind black plastic boxes that helpfully had "Ballot Box" labels.

13、Who should be educated in which subjects for how long at what cost in taxpayers' money is a political question best settled at the ballot box.

14、After four years of constant defeats at the ballot box, Mr Morales's foes will need to find new ways to challenge him.

15、From the Baltic Sea to the Balkans, however, politicians are facing the most alarming corruption charges without being hindered in front of the ballot box.

16、Southern President Salva Kiir went first in the southern capital Juba, leaving the ballot box to cheers from southerners waiting patiently for their turn.

17、Perky economic growth, a decent human-rights record and two consecutive changes of government by the ballot box have made Ghana one of the past decade's success stories in Africa.

18、The clever dimension of ballot box voting is that i t is not only to persuade people to keep the law, but also, through this wonderful procedure, to transfer the risk of making a decision to voters themselves.

19、Secondly, we say to my favourite friends, the Chartists and suffragettes, "All your struggles to get control of the ballot box were a waste of time. We shall be run in future by a few white persons, as in 1832."

20、Yes, Mr Chavez is elected, but he shows ever-fewer signs of being prepared to relinquish power at the ballot box and constantly stirs up tensions in the region.

21、Unless thousands more ballot boxes are inspected, Mr Karzai's true support is unknowable.

22、After the vote some ballot boxes were stuffed and others stolen.

23、The audience is your judge. There will be ballot boxes for every participants to be voted on.

24、It noted "serious irregularities," such as identical signatures on voter lists and instances of ballot boxes being stuffed.

25、Mr Mousavi says that the election was perverted by a multitude of procedural irregularities and by restrictions placed on his representatives' legal right to monitor ballot boxes.

26、TO MOST people, ballot boxes containing a unanimity of votes for just one out of 36 candidates in an election might raise a suspicion of cheating.

27、But a senior reformist ally of defeated candidates Mirhossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi said they wanted a rerun rather than a recount of "a few ballot boxes".

28、For 6,000 to have voted in an hour at the 12 ballot boxes, they would have had an average of seven seconds each.

29、TO MOST people, ballot boxes containing unanimity of votes for just one out of 36 candidates in an election might raise a suspicion of cheating.

30、After balloting, the general practice is to open the ballot boxes, inspect the ballot-slips, call out the names of those voted for, count votes and declare the election results in public on the same day, and then confer certificates to those elected.