1、Morally or legally constraining; binding.

2、morally or legally constraining or binding.

3、A schema aware processor understands and supports constraining facets.

4、You can even define your own custom constraining mechanisms.

5、We are mortgaging the future of society by constraining the choices and opportunities of our undergraduates.

6、Policy: a base 64-encoded JSON string constraining how data is uploaded.

7、So, that is being a factor that is constraining for the progress for those countries.

8、Specify a constraining rule that determines the order and choice between attributes.

9、These policies boosted savings by constraining consumption even while they forced rapid growth in domestic production.

10、A constraining facet is a construct that you can use to control the value space of simple type during derivation.

11、There are many other ways of constraining the instance data; see Appendix E for the full list.

12、Code momentum: Over-constraining part of a system by repeatedly assuming things about it in other parts.

13、By constraining creativity and responsiveness, detailed activity-level planning actually endangers project success rather than ensuring it.

14、We should not compound costs by encouraging financial protectionism or unfairly constraining financial services to the poor.

15、The ravine in our heart continues to be filled with various desires, constraining us not having a breath, even preventing us from stopping to see the landscape around.

16、The border panoramas are created by constraining viewpoint motion to arbitrary convex region of a plane, and sampling cylindrical panoramas at border of the region point by point.

17、This keeps the business requirements from overly constraining the SOA solution, which could lead to less reuse and less business agility.

18、Based on the geometrical properties of the constrained system in configuration space, the motion and the constraining forces of robot system are studied.

19、Decide which of the constraining facets apply and what they mean when applied (NOTE: you have to include a whiteSpace facet).

20、In the process of restructuring state-owned enterprises, the internal limiting factors constraining and the lack of external support, are resulting in the formation of a development mode involution.

21、So, it is very important to study the influence of the constraining conditions on the gas cloud explosion field for making the measures and program of explosion protection and control.

22、When we take a species out of its native home and transport it elsewhere, it may face new challenges and die off, or it may find itself virtually unencumbered by constraining forces.