1、Yahoo's system still has kinks.

2、We have several kinks, all made of different materials.

3、But kinks in the law expose their hypocrisy.

4、To form or cause to form a kink or kinks.

5、There must be no kinks in the detonating fuse.

6、Lester: I think we've finally worked the kinks out.

7、Not all of the kinks in China's highway system have been worked out yet.

8、Throughout the crisis central banks have sought to iron out these kinks.

9、Tilting, warping, and changes in elevation can seriously affect canals and shoreline facilities of various kinks.

10、You see, the hotel has just opened and the kinks haven't been worked out yet.

11、New technology, especially technology that's on the bleeding edge, will have some kinks to work out.

12、There are a few kinks in the application that cause it to stall every now and then.

13、Try using agile methods on a small-scale project first to work out some of the kinks.

14、We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinks of risks for sea transport。

15、As you probably guessed, superstring theory is still developing, meaning that physicists continue to work out kinks in the individual string theories.

16、This product is multiple choice dewaxing agent . especially used to remove the emulsive was. amino wax or other kinks of wax on marble floor and board.

17、Still, there was one sign in the wake of President Patil's China visit that India is trying to iron out some of the kinks.

18、Sales could disappoint if Microsoft fails to work out any potential kinks or if users are uncomfortable with the new interface.

19、Evenly spaced polygons in buildings, landscape and architecture where you can afford them, will help spread lighting and avoid awkward kinks.

20、Once the container was in place at a graded site on a Chilean mountain called Cerro Toco, the team set to working out the kinks with the instrument and power supply.

21、His product is still a few years away from hitting shelves, and he still has to iron out some of the kinks, including making the garments smell a little bit less like chemicals.

22、Some of these new tools still have one or two kinks to iron out, but in a general way, everything one needs to make Python "transparent" to users has been put in place.