1、Yes.she observes and studias chimpanzees.

2、I hope he likes chimpanzees!

3、Human malaria started in chimpanzees.

4、to tell us about chimpanzees.

5、We share many things with chimpanzees.

6、He notes that chimpanzees have tool cultures.

7、can understand to chimpanzees and gorillas.

8、Gene tests of feces identified individual chimpanzees.

9、With chimpanzees, rearing is relegated to females.

10、black-faced chimpanzees of central Africa; closely related to eastern chimpanzees.

11、When it benefits them, chimpanzees willingly work together.

12、He carted two chimpanzees from England to Kenya.

13、We share 98% of our DNA9 with chimpanzees.

14、Could we protect the chimpanzees if we helped the people?

15、The adult chimpanzees and the college students performed almost the same, but the young chimpanzees performed much better.

16、We've discovered a lot about chimpanzees over the last 30 years,

17、So what does the test tell us about corvids or chimpanzees?

18、Some researchers have proposed that Toumai is more closely related to chimpanzees or gorillas.

19、I saw chimpanzees in the wild hunt and kill for meat.

20、If being a person requires being human, then chimpanzees, our closest primate relative, are still only 98 percent complete. But if personhood is defined more broadly, chimpanzees may well qualify.

21、But they added they cannot rule out the possibility that the new strain arose in chimpanzees and moved into gorillas and then humans, or moved directly from chimpanzees to both gorillas and humans.

22、After watching the ads, the participants filled out a questionnaire that assessed their understanding of the status of wild chimpanzees.

23、In other words, Mona Lisa inherited her endlessly intriguing smile from the grinning common ancestor she Shared with chimpanzees.

24、Primate researchers, working with semi-free ranging chimpanzees at a sanctuary in Uganda, found chimpanzees recruit a helping partner only if it gets them more food than they’d get alone.

25、We know pain is — of others is aversive for chimpanzees and we know this in certain ways.

26、Moreover, even the mere confinement in laboratory cages deprives chimpanzees of basic physical, social and emotional sustenance.

27、It seems humans have more in common with chimpanzees and gorillas than perhaps we'd like to admit.

28、Species from squids to chimpanzees have been caught doing it from time to time. But only Homo sapiens has turned lying into an art.

29、In a latest reanalysis of Gavan's data, nevertheless, zoologist Elizabeth Watts has found that as chimpanzees reach sexual maturity, the growth rate of their limbs accelerates.