1、Please, Paul, pause for applause.

2、Let's pause for a cup of tea.

3、Speak slowly and pause for breath often.

4、Let's pause for a cup of coffee.

5、We pause for station identification; let's break for lunch.

6、She was all smiles but did not pause for interviews.

7、Manual emulators will pause for you to enter emulation data.

8、This pause for tea became a fashionable social event.

9、Yet, something is stirring that gives pause for thought.

10、The summit will simply extend the pause for reflection for another year.

11、A 15-minute pause for stretching or massage will help relieve their stress.

12、Some processes may also include multiple Receive activities if they need to pause for input.

13、Now, I want to pause for a moment there and ask you a question.

14、He was on for hours, segueing from one song to the next without so much as a pause for applause.

15、To many, that forecast still smacks of cyber-fantasy. But the rise of Facebook at least gives pause for thought.

16、Yet during the past year's "pause for reflection", plenty of ideas have been put forward by the continent's leaders.

17、He was compelled to pause for frequent rests, when he attacked the muskeg berries and rush-grass patches.

18、When the suitors pause for a noontime meal, the goddess Athena causes them to laugh uncontrollably and to see their food spattered with blood.

19、I think that thought on financial services is a good place to pause for now, but I will be back on this issue.

20、They don't look at the sun and pause for a moment of calculation before they say, "There's an ant just north of your foot."

21、What's more, if you don't remember the next word or line, pause for one or two seconds to look at your note card.

22、She drained the glass without pause for breath and then pulled at her stretch top trying to pump air through next to her skin.

23、That supreme effort had exhausted him. His lassitude was now such that he was obliged to pause for breath every three or four steps, and lean against the wall.

24、In the year ahead, I hope you will have time to pause for moments of quiet reflection. As the man in the plaster cast discovered, the results can sometimes be surprising.

25、But everyone in the three absolute masterpieces is a hard-hearted person, and will not be bluffed by their fate. They just pause for a moment and then go straight away.

26、We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics...they will only grow louder and more dissonant ........... We've been asked to pause for a reality check.

27、Oman runs from the Straits of Hormuz, with a brief pause for a patch of UAE territory, around the corner of the Arabian Sea, and all the way down to the Yemen border.

28、They are also within right to close off membership group access, remove user rights, suspend new user registration, pause forum activity, and place the forum under suspension or deletion.