1、Mummy, Mummy, there is a creepy-crawly on my bed!

2、I felt crawly after entering the haunted house.

3、Why is plantar meeting afraid of flinch crawly?

4、This crawly spider cake is perfect for setting a creepy mood.

5、There are creepy-crawly sensations, like insects crawling beneath the skin.

6、Somehow this early fascination with life's prodigality, with wet, slimy or creepy-crawly things, becomes systematised and methodical.

7、There are a number of techniques web designers can implement to protect against these creepy crawly little annoyances.

8、When people find out that “I study ants, bees and other crawly things, the first thing they ask is do I know how to kill them.”

9、This deep sea creepy-crawly gave oil workers a fright, after the unexpected visitor hitched a ride on a submarine sent from a rig in the Gulf of Mexico.