1、So the roll-up sleeve and tucking in is a must.

2、When tucking into a meal in Egypt, by-pass the saltshaker.

3、But the dolphin then appeared seconds later with his own fish, this time a seabass, and began tucking in.

4、There was a tread on the stairs and she hurriedly bent over, pretending to be tucking in the child.

5、My son has gotten so used to tucking in his shirt, he tends to tuck in his pajamas, "Lisa Nichols says."

6、Back at Sword and Shield, two elderly customers are tucking into Brezhnev's favourite cutlets in oak-panelled private rooms decorated with KGB memorabilia.

7、There are also health benefits to tucking into creepy crawlies.

8、Yet, there I was, chk, chk, chk, tucking into a big, old steak.

9、America are dolloping extra mayonnaise on their Big Macs and tucking into a large order of fries.

10、So Harry gave the small one to his little sister and started tucking into the large one.

11、As a recipe for losing weight, tucking into a slice of chocolate cake at breakfast would seem an unlikely fantasy.

12、And when we do use the table for eating, we only spend 10 minutes a day on average tucking into our food, says the study.

13、What utter torture it is always watching others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you mouth a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice!

14、After all, this is a country famous for its cook-at-the-table barbecue restaurants (and, more notoriously, for its dog soup) and where even Buddhist monks can be seen tucking into pork cutlets.

15、No one is advocating tucking into massive rib eyes or a rack of ribs every day, but if you choose lean cuts and have them a few times a week, lean red meat can be a positive addition to your diet.