1、Belief is a powerful force.

2、It's such a powerful force.

3、This is a powerful force of love.

4、Remember, inertia is a powerful force.

5、Nostalgia is a powerful force in American politics.

6、How can we defeat this powerful force - our own mind?

7、Love is returning as the most powerful force!

8、Change can be a very subtle but powerful force.

9、I'm not proposing that you can fight this powerful force.

10、They're a powerful force in Web applications — and, in fact, even in non-Web applications.

11、Emotion, although difficult to control, but it is a powerful force.

12、This picture tells us a simple truth: Appreciative words are the most powerful force on earth!

13、What exactly is powerful force can let the door open at any time through?

14、Unless we build on their strengths, we will forgo the most powerful force for implementation.

15、Over the years, civil servants have developed a powerful force to force the emperor sitting on the throne to denounce his personal will in handling government affairs.

16、The hardest thing is the constant battle with this invisible, but powerful force that seems to work against me.

17、Individuals are a powerful force within urban Settings making changes that have enormous health benefits for us all.

18、It is, in short, the most powerful force in life, and when properly directed, the most beneficent.

19、Speaker after speaker praised entrepreneurship as a powerful force for doing good as well as doing well.

20、Western civilization has given a handful of people a powerful force, while harming the interests of the overwhelming majority.

21、Entrepreneurs are a powerful force for change. They improve the business climate in their own countries and champion necessary policy reforms. And they improve practices in global markets.

22、The invasion of foreign shipping industry into the Sichuan River stimulated the rise of China's national shipping industry, thus forming a powerful force for resistance.

23、NIV] Under their command was an army of307,500 men trained for war, a powerful force to support the king against his enemies.

24、宇宙中最强大的力,就是复利。原文:The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest.

25、It should be noted that the most powerful force in the world is not hard steel, but love, warmth, kindness and warmth flowing in people's hearts.

26、Germany border police, being the main force to put down riot and crack down on terrorism, has powerful force and efficacy by its advanced armament leading in the world.

27、Qin Dust felt very comfortable in his heart. The constant strength emerged from the green hills in his body. It was like an inexhaustible mansion, which provided a powerful force for him.

28、Fan lock is the largest system of the floating city, that is, the war system, has a very powerful force, hiding a half face that does not show strength is absolutely no problem.

29、This kind of thing can produce a powerful force, a kind of sacred feeling, just like orange trees can produce oranges, grass can produce green, birds can produce sexual desire.

30、Teachers have always been considered to be the most glorious cause under the sun, but in the near future of modern, teachers have also been torn its basic ethics by a powerful force of utilitarianism.