1、TV satellite dish sits atop a sunroom.

2、Mom, can we get cable TV or a satellite dish?

3、We have a satellite dish because our reception is poor.

4、Drag onto the page and use with satellite, satellite dish or wireless network.

5、Use with satellite, satellite dish, wireless network, etc... to indicate a communication link.

6、The copper antennae have been looted, and only a giant satellite dish betrays its past.

7、Adds a satellite dish or similar signal receiving device to your network diagram.

8、No satellite dish is on the roof, no air-conditioning units are evident.

9、Minutes later, lightning hit the satellite dish and killed the man. When he arrived in Heaven, he was upset.

10、One person is probably expected to provide solutions when it's time to install the wireless network, redirect the satellite dish, or retrieve a lost document.

11、After using the system the control of satellite dish becomes easy. The system has considerable application value in both military affairs and civil affairs.

12、Meanwhile, young volunteers worked around the clock, pulling in whatever information they could get from our satellite dish, tracking the news and the opposition on their computers.

13、Also, the requirement to wear the silly satellite dish hat has led to feelings of embarrassment except in California, where it is now the latest trend.

14、It is a bright, brilliant morning. Washing hangs on the line in the front yard of the family home; shoes are neatly stacked; there is a satellite dish; sparrows flit past a trailing vine.

15、This device, developed at the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate in Quantico, Virginia, is a microwave transmitter the size and shape of a small satellite dish that pivots on top of an armoured car.

16、The coded signal is received by satellite dishes.