1、The leg bottoms are elasticized and have Velcro TAB adjusters.

2、On the sides are Velcro TAB waist adjusters.

3、Insurance claims examiners examine claims investigated by insurance adjusters and authorize payments.

4、Turn your rebound adjusters in to the full stiff position and push down on the suspension.

5、The subscription portlet that we'll build allows adjusters to subscribe to and receive notifications about their newly assigned claims.

6、Meanwhile the state system of taxes and convention of drowning female babies served as powerful adjusters of population traditional society.

7、In dealing with an unadjusted average dispute, the maritime court may entrust average adjusters with the adjustment.

8、Develop loss adjusters with great effort and consummate insurance market, are the inner urge of the development of our insurance industry.

9、Two PI adjusters were applied for wire feeding velocity control, one performed motor armature voltage feedback, the other one executed arc voltage feedback to determine the given velocity.

10、This paper introduces two kinds of control project used in motor speed adjusters at present, which are vector control technology and direct torque control technology (DTC).

11、Without changing hardware or adding more system load, the new method achieves both better stability and shorter transition time by simply altering the software of the adjusters.

12、The bra's straps may feel fine in the fitting room, but if the adjusters are sitting right on your shoulder or collarbone, how will that feel under your backpack?

13、A light field control device comprises a control unit to which the groups of light-emitting diodes are connected by means of adjusters each of which is connected to a power supply unit.