1、classical bourgeois political economy

2、petty - bourgeois political economy

3、French classical political economy

4、vulgarising of classical political economy

5、classical political economy in England

6、an essay on political economy

7、principle of political economy and taxation

8、He explained scientifically the most important questions of political economy.

9、They refrained from genuflecting to the laws of political economy.

10、Historical view the implication and status of political economy;

11、Analysis of political influence on micro-economical fluctuation in the view of positive political economy;

12、Strengthen the innovation of Marxism political economy teaching in the polytechnic university;

13、The Wealth of Nations is the germinal book of modern economics or political economy.

14、At college, he had specialized in finance, political economy, and scientific agriculture.

15、The paradigms of rural political study mainly used at present are state and society, political economy, new institutionalism, which has its limitations.

16、The popular school of economists would have us believe that politics and political power cannot be taken into consideration in political economy.

17、It is a basic advocation of new political economy that applies the hypothesis of economy man to the domain of political market, and raises the question of rational behaviour of government man.

18、The paper discusses mainly about three problems: firstly, the title of political economy, that is, to use "economics" instead of "political economy" that has been used for years in China.

19、Sismondi also calls political economy explicitly 'La science qui se charge du bonheur de l'esp鑓e humaine.'

20、What you have lost is a lot of naivety and idealism about the political economy of development.

21、The political economy responds to the new ages concern for ecology and for the quality of human living.

22、The author is associate professor of political science at the University of Chicago, and a previous winner of the American Political Science Association Best Book Award in political economy.

23、The themes refer to international cooperation and international conflict. The studies of international relations include international security study and international political economy.

24、Although the primary actor in the international political economy is the state, other non-state actors, especially NGOs can also participate and have great influence in global governance.

25、After exposing the metaphysics as foundation of theology and political economy, it is the logical conclusion that "the end of history" is bankrupt.

26、This system had long passed and the political economy of the 21st century demanded a changed order that reflected the growing role of developing countries.

27、From the point of view of political economy, private business constantly jeopardizes the security of the social structure based on small present economy, and is possible to disintegrate it.

28、But to transfer hastily and inconsiderately to the general point of view, propositions that are true of the individual, has been a source of innumerable errors in political economy.

29、The theory and system of political economy prevailing in Europe after the decline of feudalism, based on national policies of accumulating bullion, establishing colonies and a merchant marine, and developing industry and mining to attain a favorable balance of trade.

30、This paper tries to review the discursive shifts of community care policy in Taiwan and examine the dialectic relationship between the discursive shifts and the political economy of social welfare in order to gain insight into why the current development of community care is the way it is now.