1、secondary individuals

2、middle aged individuals

3、But we can help individuals.

4、They're usually individuals, like angels.

5、other government outlays to individuals

6、Heroic individuals are not enough.

7、Abstain from getting involved with married individuals.

8、Managers act as controllers of individuals.

9、In addition, individuals are not static creatures.

10、The same holds good for some individuals.

11、Some individuals are naturally good communicators.

12、Black individuals have been reported to have higher vasopressin levels than white individuals.

13、The mandible was deflective to left when opening in 69% individuals, and right in24% individuals;

14、The society assumes the responsibility for protecting individuals from violence.

15、These individuals often forged close working relationships with European explorers.

16、Primary tuberculosis is symptomless in the great majority of individuals.

17、criteria for processing of claims of individuals not otherwise covered

18、I intervened and stepped between the two individuals.

19、Gene flow is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location.

20、Fourth, an inheritance tax based on equal opportunity principles would tax gifts and bequests received by younger individuals at higher rates than those received by older individuals.

21、Expectancy violation theory (EVT) frames interpersonal communication within the context of the expectations held by individuals and how individuals respond to violations of those expectations.

22、Gene flow, the movement of alleles across the range of the species, is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location.

23、When the corporation passes along profits to individuals in the form of dividends, the individuals are taxed again on these dividends. This is known as "double taxation."

24、In natural populations, individuals often are distributed more or less discontinuously to form numerous colonies, and individuals may be exchanged between adjacent or nearby colonies.

25、Therefore, prioritizing requirements requires the collaboration of individuals playing roles with all these different skills.

26、But few individuals stand to benefit as much as low-profile billion aire Thomas Kaplan.

27、Use caution with individuals taking warfarin or other blood thinning medications.

28、Bilingualism is a phenomenon that the individuals or groups have two or more languages.

29、As obesity rates have soared, some researchers have focused on individuals' genetic predisposition for gaining weight.

30、If individuals on the edge of a group are more vigilant because they are at greater risk of being captured, then individuals on average would have to be more vigilant in smaller groups.