1、But we're civilizing them! He assured me.

2、It exerts a civilizing influence on mankind.

3、His wife has had a civilizing influence on him.

4、Many a woman has had civilizing influence upon her husband.

5、Under the civilizing influence of the great city, the country boy became a gentleman.

6、Habit and some degree of selection have probably concurred in civilizing by inheritance our dogs.

7、But it is civilizing work, of which scientists are able to feel proud.

8、This comedy is about a man who tries to civilize a woman who ends up civilizing him.

9、As China rises, what will be the face of its civilizing mission to the rest of the world?

10、Accommodating others instead of 'civilizing' them is precisely the role Europeans are coming to see for themselves.

11、The first has become difficult because of so much conditioning, so much education, and so many civilizing efforts. The first has become difficult.

12、Olympism is a being philosophy, also an ideal spirit, and is a civilizing movement to enhance the life quality of the modern people.

13、Wang Anshi's social civilizing theory is an important part of his academic thinking system and valuable thinking wealth in Chinese traditional culture.

14、Many of the newer urban developments made in the last decade in the greater metropolitan area of the City of Buenos Aires, arise from the civilizing act of creating buildable land.