1、He was wearing a blue silk singlet and boxer shorts.

2、Old men wear only boxer shorts in the sultry streets.

3、Usually this means wearing thick appropriately modest boxer shorts butbloomers slips briefs and boxer-briefs all work as well.

4、Who wore funny boxer shorts and garter belts and died decades ago?

5、There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts.

6、On Father's Day you may get another "interesting" tie, the latest golf gadget or a pair of wild boxer shorts.

7、Arkansas educators have long complained about the drooping attire, such as young men wearing saggy jeans that expose the top of colorful boxer shorts.

8、For those not brave enough to "go commando", the survey found boxer shorts with a tartan design were the second most popular choice.

9、Do we need to know that AIG's boss was standing in a hallway in boxer shorts when he received an important email?

10、It consists of a crew neck T-shirt and boxer shorts, or is available in long-sleeve top with invisible zipper and pants, built for comfort and minimal weight.