1、Japanese interest rates rose relative to America's.

2、The wavelength is closely relative to resolution.

3、Clust - Clusterdness relative to the table.

4、Where is it relative to other elements?

5、To what extent does position relative to the dealer matter?

6、In this article, we'll use the terminology relative to ESB.

7、Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War

8、Generators (roughly speaking) consist of magnets moving relative to coils.

9、The accurate positioning of an entity relative to a reference.

10、Another is their declining size, relative to others.

11、Big smoke is relative to their past dry smoke, and foreign smoke is relative to their native indigenous smokers.

12、Relative Path : The path relative to the virtual directory to which the primary project output will be copied.

13、Relative alignment. Places items on the form relative to another anchor item rather than at absolute positions.

14、In the align Panel, select to stage to apply alignment modifications relative to stage dimensions.

15、The spring and pin permit the normally abutting components to resiliently move relative to each other to permit relative expansion along the pin length.

16、If the starting location is positive, it's relative to the beginning of the string; if it's negative, it's relative to the end of the string.

17、Reports: Use reports on your dashboard to display performance reports relative to a time axis.

18、Acoustic correlation velocity measurement technology is used to make measurements of velocity relative to the seabed.

19、It's easier to carry out in relative to schemes using maximally entangled states.

20、The tables are positioned relative to the container, not to the page.

21、Objective to understand the factors relative to dental caries among preschoolers.

22、An integer parameter xx relative to the class myapp.util.UtilClass is obtained by.

23、The dividend payout ratio indicates the amount of dividends paid relative to the company's earnings.

24、It was relative to the etching depths, temperature and the etchant proportion and types.

25、This means that the test case will start relative to this URL.

26、Feng Boyi: They are associated with the memory, or rather relative to the memory.

27、Another approach is to place stories on the graph above to simply mark where they sit relative to each other.

28、Information on any new or improved technique relative to the transferred technology shall also be given to our technician.

29、The process of prestressing consists in applying forces to the concrete structure by stressing tendons relative to the concrete member.

30、The ratio of corrective to preventive maintenance is high relative to best performing NPPs of similar design…