1、People enjoy booms.

2、doubled up swinging booms

3、Sonic booms can break windows.

4、But with booms come busts.

5、Not all booms are alike.

6、The clock booms out nine.

7、They also experienced dramatic asset price booms.

8、Lo, the Han Empire had great booms.

9、the cycle of economic booms and slumps

10、General Factors Associated With Sonic booms.

11、Of course, booms aren't always followed by busts.

12、This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps.

13、Acoustics--Description and measurement of physical properties of sonic booms

14、Experience counts for more in busts than in booms.

15、As with all booms, urbanisation promises huge wealth.

16、One of the greatest lessons that I've learnt from having studied booms for three hundred odd years, the number one rule is that all booms must bust.

17、Sonic booms created by vehicles the size and mass of the space shuttle are very distinguishable and two distinct booms are easily heard.

18、No longer did Western Banks have to raise rates to halt consumer booms.

19、Problems such as the Labour shortages of earlier booms seem likely.

20、The structure is intended to reduce the sound from annoying sonic booms.

21、While combining transformational generative grammar and grammatical means, the study booms applied linguistic theory.

22、Others built chevrons of plastic booms to block the oil from coming ashore.

23、They are impatient for Nepal to import the booms enjoyed by the giants on each side, China and India.

24、Of all the factors influencing sonic booms, increasing altitude is the most effective method of reducing sonic boom intensity.

25、They turn up a strong relationship between credit booms and financial crises-a result confirmed by many other economic studies.

26、I spent most of the next two days inspecting the harbour and the entrances with their booms and nets.

27、American shares may be richly valued relative to earnings, but they are less unhinged than in earlier booms.

28、The oil producers' behavior differs from that of previous oil booms, when they built up debt and banked on continued high oil prices to fuel their expansion.

29、The hoisting, derricking and slewing mechanism, the extension and contracting of booms, the setting down and back of outriggers, all are driven hydraulically.

30、That said, as long as central Banks keep pumping out liquidity at their current rate, asset booms and bubbles are always likely somewhere.