1、Do not turn back.

2、We cannot turn back.

3、Police attempted to turn back.

4、America, we cannot turn back.

5、When will the market turn back?


7、It was too late to turn back.

8、Newlyweds turn back clock on deforestation.

9、Again it cried: "Turn back, turn back, young maiden fair, Linger not in this murderers' lair."

10、We can't get through here, let's turn back.

11、I don't turn back. I run to the hallway.

12、Britain is on the right track. Don't turn back.

13、Time to turn back and descend the stair.

14、I have gone too far to turn back

15、Suddenly a voice cried: "Turn back, turn back, young maiden fair, Linger not in this murderers' lair."

16、If I want to turn back the clock, I will turn the clock back and lead a different life.

17、If contact Guangzhou Control is broken, Please switch back (turn back) to 118.1mc.

18、It is wrong to go back to a wrong path, but not to turn back.

19、1.to back a car, train, etc.; 2.to turn the clock back; to retrograde; to turn back the wheel of history; to return to the past

20、You can't turn back the clock, but you can turn back your mind, understand something you previously missed and set your whole future on a different course.

21、The weather became so bad that they had to turn back.

22、Please turn back to page 3 and start again from there.

23、Ask God to forgive your unbelief and turn back to Him with your whole heart!

24、'First point,' began Mr Smollett. 'We must go on, because we can't turn back.

25、"God will not turn back His anger; Beneath Him crouch the helpers of Rahab.

26、Wrong or wrong, fate has gone, if love has turned back, would rather not turn back, because the back miss too bitter, persistent dream, too sour, too withered.

27、When lividity is not set, pressing into the skin with a finger will turn the skin a white color, and then it will turn back.

28、How I want to turn back the hands of time, flow back to the test that moment, I again carefully look at the math problem!

29、Wish we could turn back time to the good old days Wish we could turn back time to the good old days. When our momma sang us to sleep. But now we are stressed out.

30、I have never thought time can go back; because if we can turn back time, everything won't be as memorable and appreciated.