1、So let's start designing!

2、Designing teaching objectives is the essential task of teaching designing.

3、I'm good at designing posters.

4、Formation designing for group callisthenics;

5、Forget about designing your own.

6、Know the basic of designing.

7、Correct designing comes from practice.

8、Have many years of website designing experience, masters in website designing, UI (User Interface) designing.

9、Owing to this,the part includes source document designing ,account book designing,cost report designing.

10、The Shape Language in Designing Sketch Teaching ideas in designing sketch course for art designing major;

11、Chapter three focuses on the design of ABC accounting, including three aspects: frame designing, system designing, cost report designing.

12、Hair embroidery starts with motif designing.

13、Process the transitive space in landscape designing.

14、Describes guidelines for designing unsealed classes.

15、An example of designing cover is given.

16、The Indispensable Sketch Style in basic designing teaching -- Image-Designing Sketch;

17、The difference between designing UX and designing for UX is subtle but important.

18、Our company is mainly specializes in furniture designing and designing work for gift item, premiums.

19、The paper introduced the course of system designing in detail, include principally: system collectivity layout, database designing, function module designing and operation flow.

20、The design of the predictive control system based on Neural Network include designing control object model, designing predictive model and designing controller model.

21、Posses knowledge of designing forms, soles, heels and accessories.

22、She is good at designing eye-catching packages.

23、However, you have some advantages when designing a windowed application.

24、It is a predictive, proactive model of designing software.

25、The results can provide the basis for designing crushers.

26、Integration of artinto design --Relationship between designing and art from the historical view of development of endustrial designing

27、The embodiment of regional features in the designing of site museums--the designing of Wanshouyan site museum

28、So far, there are no perfect methods for designing sequential circuit, while researches on designing stochastic circuit are even fewer.

29、It seems as if the designing ariginalities and represeating forms of the modern figures designing have also antered a new level.