1、For example, to indicate italicized, you instead write _italicized_.

2、Notice that an abstract class is denoted by italicized text, as are abstract methods.

3、The code line above with its italicized pieces is an example of a syntax template.

4、To handle any elements that are inside an italicized phrase, check its parent before transforming it.

5、Important terms and new concepts are also italicized the first time they appear in the text.

6、When running the commands, replace the italicized text with the appropriate value, or you'll get errors and unexpected results.

7、The abstract is to be in fully-justified italicized text as it is here, below the author information.

8、Novellas or long stories that have been published in individual bindings are italicized as if they were full-length texts.

9、The underlined expression will be evaluated next. The italicized expression is the result of the previous evaluation.

10、This should probably be an underline, since bold and italicized texts are common print emphasis techniques and may confuse the meaning of the content.

11、The observant reader will notice that the diagrams in Figures 4 and 5 use italicized text for the BankAccount class name and withdrawal operation.

12、And I urge you not to neglect the foreword by John Ray Jr., so I hope you read it, the little italicized foreword.

13、Pending purchase requests is italicized to indicate that the data is defined elsewhere (usually in the special requirements section of the use case or perhaps in a glossary).

14、Choose from the given choices the correct one that has the closest meaning to the underlined (italicized) word or phrase and write the corresponding letter in the brackets.

15、"After much trial and error, we found a formula which fitted," wrote Tench, who had nothing to do with the Brown case but discovered the italicized letters when studying the ruling.

16、Instead of a butcon that simply changed a word from plain to italic text, the butcon now began to indicate—by its state—whether the currently selected text was already italicized.