1、Behave stupidly or irresponsibly

2、Generally, users act stupidly only when applications treat them stupidly.

3、To stare or gape stupidly.

4、Rather stupidly, I said yes.

5、They told him that he talked stupidly.

6、If you act stupidly, you are stupid.

7、In the Picasa application it's stupidly easy.

8、Todd stared stupidly at the screen.

9、To utter(something)stupidly or thoughtlessly.

10、I stupidly agreed to lend him the money.

11、I only stupidly ask him why he smiled so often

12、For some time he sat gazing stupidly at the paper.

13、He lived thus indefinitely, — stupidly, as Courfeyrac said.

14、They struggled stupidly under it for a few seconds.

15、She seemed to wake up from her dream and looked at them stupidly.

16、These days she was acting very stupidly, as if she were in her second childhood.

17、We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures.

18、He held out his hand and I looked at it stupidly.

19、So why do we do react stupidly when we know better?

20、My apologies if this seems stupidly simple; I point it out only to show how easy all this is.

21、I use a motorbike here to get around. No helmet, stupidly, but the speeds are never great.

22、Interests: chuckling trollishly, smirking, laughing syncophantically, cracking knuckles, flexing muscles, sniggering stupidly, rubbing knuckles in a menacing way.

23、Several major blows in succession frustrated him, and he remained stupidly silent and laughing all day, walking like a corpse.

24、She looked at it stupidly. The world was beautiful, but the cold was swimming into the bone.

25、Now that what he dreaded had happened, Xiangzi's heart swelled with shame and discomfiture and he stood still, stupidly, speechless, gazing at her

26、For a moment he could only stare at her stupidly, while the food in his mouth slowly grew heavy and dry.

27、You see, the vampire who was so stupidly fond of this little victim made the choice that your Edward was too weak to make.

28、For two days and two nights, she stupidly watched the sky, the clouds that passed before her, running the way the children of the village would doubtless run after her from now on.

29、Mr. Lorry was so taken aback, that he looked quite stupidly at Mr. Stryver shouldering him towards the door, with an appearance of showering generosity, forbearance, and goodwill, on his erring head.

30、One day, I said stupidly…One day, I thought dull… One day, I silly and so on… One day, I listen blurry… One day, I in am not my…