1、IMF conditionality

2、expresses conditionality or possibility.

3、variety and conditionality of connections

4、On the conditionality of GSP Scheme of developed countries;

5、Gate conditionality does not mitigate the adverse effect of gate review criteria.

6、Most will cheer the IMF for introducing flexible loanmaking without onerous conditionality but concerns remain.

7、We will continue conditionality but we will streamline it and focus on fundamental principles.

8、There is no conditionality attached to the use of the member countries' SDR account.

9、The course characteristic of agricultural variety technological innovation are: Multiple - link, correlation, conditionality and two-way.

10、Such conditionality is necessary and economically desirable, but in today's poisoned environment comes at a high cost.

11、It insists on tough conditionality: states being helped will have to provide the fund with collateral and earmarked tax revenue.

12、Britain has promised Rwanda $100m in aid a year over the next decade, with only “light conditionality” (in essence, an understanding Rwanda will not reinvade Congo).

13、First, the thesis introduces the current situation of our pharmaceutical company's internationalized management, pointing out the advantage and conditionality which we are faced with.

14、This actualization should not be absolute or abstract, but it should be a dialectical unification of subjective initiative and objective conditionality.

15、This panel also lets you add in gate conditions, which are not being used in this scenario since the conditionality involves target service and not message content.

16、Conclusion The length of the femur medullary cavity, the form of narrow part and the arc were exerting the conditionality function for designing and applying the Chinese intramedullary nail fixation.

17、C., AEA, as a basic means for the government to control the society, is widely used, but it concerns only a few fields and its legal conditionality is limited.