1、I prefer doing something to doing nothing.

2、He drifts about doing nothing

3、I feel like doing nothing.

4、Even on holidays, he preferred doing something to doing nothing.

5、Don't stay at home doing nothing.

6、So try doing nothing at all.

7、"It's better than doing nothing," says Barbara.

8、He always wastes his time doing nothing.


10、I don't want to stop at home doing nothing.

11、Combating climate change called less costly than doing nothing.

12、By doing nothing we learn to do ill

13、Reserve days for doing nothing. Make lots of jokes.

14、Some people have a perfect genius for doing nothing, and doing it assiduously.

15、You must spend quality time together, doing things you both enjoy or even doing nothing.

16、Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing.

17、When faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, always choose to act!

18、There are always two sides to things, one can only do something by doing nothing, the other can do something by doing nothing, the other can do something by doing nothing.

19、He seems to be doing nothing, but really he's just biding his time.

20、Whenever you are contemplating a risk, remember that doing nothing can also be risky.

21、I mean just two characters on the stage hanging around basically doing nothing.

22、As if sitting and doing nothing was the best way to break a cycle of apathy.

23、They sit doing nothing while the country goes to the dogs.

24、You know exactly what I mean because there have been many times when you've known what you should be doing but have rationalised yourself into doing nothing.

25、Idleness is the most sinful. Not working is the most shameful and severe waste of life, oversleeping the second. Doing something always betters doing nothing.

26、Let me doing nothing when I have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent.

27、The "doing nothing" said by Laozi is active, and a way of governing, but Zhuangzi's "doing nothing" is passive, meaning evasion from the world to keep a quite life.

28、Don't be like a couch potato sitting in the sofa and doing nothing but eating and watching TV.

29、Note the indication given by the sample discovery and selection mechanisms that they are really doing nothing.