1、Swinging their purses, the women.

2、Long strap purses are coming back.

3、Wine and wenches empty men's purses.

4、Some purses are shown with matching shoes.

5、They all paint tables, cover skreens, and net purses.

6、Keep wallets, purses and other valuables out of sight.

7、"bag workers," whose quick fingers comb the contents of purses;

8、Massive discounts probably helped to get the shoppers to open their wallets and purses.

9、"This is money out of their pockets lining the purses of the Banks," he said.

10、clasp, of base metal,for handbags, purses, briefcases, travel goods, books,wrist watches (excl.locking clasps)

11、Minutes earlier, she had joked about buying Coach purses and 'a pony' if she won.

12、You know. I know all women are junkies for little dogs and bags and purses.

13、To her surprise, staff members began to open their purses and empty their pockets to add to Kinzie's stash.

14、Fans of these envisage a future in which people’s wallets and purses will get sucked into smartphones too.

15、He who winks with his eye is plotting perversity; he who purses his lips is bent on evil.

16、Promise's mother, Li Ying, pulled out a stack of printouts bearing photographs and model Numbers of purses.

17、He'd bring up all the expensive purses his wife and all her friends were buying, and say, "It's crazy!"

18、Office creepers — thieves who walk into the workplace looking for pricey laptops or purses — are increasingly becoming a problem in the business world.

19、Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

20、 With the carefulness peculiar to his profession, the cashier calmly put money in a purse and coins in three purses into the safe.

21、 Every time the golden beans are filled with purses, they pour out at dusk, so that they are heard of by the court.

22、For example, when I was a kid, my house was robbed while we were sleeping, but we didn't notice the opened window and missing purses until we got up.

23、Hi, dear friend. I've already received your email. I will refund the charge if you don't want these purses. Please don't worry, and you may check your account later. Thank you for cooperating.

24、4. The seized handbags, purses and other items bearing the counterfeited trademarks (see attached list) shall be confiscated and destroyed (to be carried out by Guangzhou City Public Security Bureau, Banyun Branch).

25、not at all assisted by his fellow-passengers, who had expeditiously secreted their watches and purses in their boots, and were now making a general pretence of being asleep.

26、When I returned home I found that the clerk had given me two pairs of shoes and purses to match both pairs, but had only charged me for one purse.

27、The temptation is irresistible to stretch the metaphor beyond simple function recognition: That software telephone also lets us dial with buttons just like those on our desktop telephones. We see software that has address books of phone numbers just like those in our pockets and purses.