1、discriminant of algebraic equation

2、simultaneous linear algebraic equation

3、regular algebraic equation

4、higher-order algebraic equation solver

5、root of an algebraic equation with rational coefficients.

6、The equivalauce of roots and solutions between algebraic equation and algebraic equation with time lags is considered.

7、Governing equation discrete, solving of the conjugated algebraic equation set and SIMPLE method are also discussed in this paper.

8、This reduces the problem to the solution of an algebraic equation.

9、The solving of nonlinear algebraic equation system still needs further study.

10、In solving system of linear algebraic equation with iteration method, the error checking is discussed.

11、Double Angle formula can transform the circular function equation to a biquadratic algebraic equation, and the analysis solution can be solved by extract equation directly.

12、The standard singular point is an important structure of the differential-algebraic equation systems( DAEs), by which DAEs are differentiated from the ordinary different equation systems( ODEs).

13、After partial differential equations was changed into cubic algebraic equation, accurate solution of the structure was able to be obtained.

14、By using the orthogonality condition of augmented eigenvector of multibody system, the algebraic equation group with unknowns of structure parameter is formed.

15、To move(a term)from one side of an algebraic equation to the other side, reversing its sign to maintain equality.

16、And then the integral equation is transformed into a set of linear algebraic equations by the method of moments. The approximate solution to the equivalent magnetic current can be obtained by solving this matrix equation.

17、Its value lies in its ability to simplify intractable differential equations (subject to particular Boundary conditions) by transforming the derivatives and Boundary conditions into terms of an algebraic equation that may easily be solved.

18、"Oh, I am aware of that," said Madame de Villefort; "but I have a passion for the occult sciences, which speak to the imagination like poetry, and are reducible to figures, like an algebraic equation;

19、Therefore, the solution of the problem can be reduced to a series of algebraic equations and solved numerically by truncating the finite terms of the infinite algebraic equations.

20、The paper puts forward pseudo linear transformation method for solving nonlinear algebraic equations.

21、The discretized tri-diagonal linear algebraic equations are solved with ADI method.

22、The solution of nonlinear algebraic equations is usually met in the study of flight dynamics.

23、And finally, the solution of the problem can be reduced to a series of algebraic equations and solved numerically by truncating the finite terms of the infinite algebraic equations.

24、Finally, the problems can be reduced to solving a low order system of algebraic equations like the initial parameter algorithm.