1、board machine for making paperboard,asbestos board or asbestos-cement boards

2、Scope of application This technique is applicable to outdoor basic levels such as cement mortar, asbestos cement board, concrete prefabricated board and cast-in-place concrete.

3、Obviously, the cement board and sharply higher, apparently by 4 trillion to expand investment to stimulate domestic demand and positive.

4、It not only achieve the required fire resistance, but also has very high mechanical strength, and hardness of cement board floor is almost the same.

5、My sister and brother are simultaneously pressed in a cement board, only to save a child, mother chose to save his brother.

6、On the roof of the brick house, the owls and the owls raised their smoke. Under the trees, the children played table tennis balls from the tables on the cement board, and the laughter and laughter filled the whole country.