1、More often than not, a simple display of genuine concern is sufficient to brighten someone's life.

2、It was gratifying to see my colleagues asking probing questions and demonstrating genuine concern about this important issue as well.

3、As its spokesman, he shared much of its outlook in spite of his genuine concern for the people's sufferings.

4、"There was genuine concern on the part of several board members that he may not have been doing the best thing for his health," says an Apple insider.

5、There is a genuine concern that if indeed there were to be a serious decline in the various pollinators, it could have implications for agriculture, no question.

6、I am not disturbed that the central bank has not accepted my Suggestions, but what they have done over the past two or three years are matters of genuine concern.

7、Whether this was genuine concern for a real social problem or was born of a more atavistic notion that there is something inherently, biologically wrong with mixing RACES, we can only speculate.