1、Fly high, fly high.

2、The kites fly high.

3、I like birds fly! Though, but I can't fly high!

4、The kites fly high in the sky!

5、How can a solitary eagle fly high without dragons?

6、Only with him can my heart fly high.

7、Most people only care about I fly high? Few people care about I fly tired not tired!

8、Only fly high in million meters of the eagle, can see the first sunshine.

9、Working well together, a line can help a kite fly high and afar.

10、When a person has the impulse to fly high, he will never agree to climb.

11、She could expect to fly high in Ed Miliband's Labour Party.

12、When most people are concerned about you fly high or not, only a handful of people care about you fly tired.

13、I looked at the height of the bat, they than a fly high, I can only see the tiny spots of black spots on the fly.

14、The soul is like a bird in a cage. It can fly high in the night sky.

15、At a word from their masters they would fly high up into the air, and look around for prey.

16、In the cockpit, I push the throttle forward and pull the yoke back until we fly high enough.

17、Like moths, human growth must undergo painful struggles until their wings are strong before they can fly high.

18、As long as you don't tie yourself to the cage of the mind, no one can tie you to fly high.

19、Smoking dragon seven eyes emit a thick unwillingness, it is a kind of want to spread wings to fly high, but was firmly locked in the chain helplessness.

20、 Swallows fly high in the Emperor's Palace, and water horses have been particularly fierce for years. Shi's children still bode ill, advocating indiscriminate planning is due to robbery.

21、No matter how perfect the bird's wings are, the birds will never fly high if they do not rely on the air.

22、Confidence is the wings of life. If you want to fly high, you must open the door for yourself with your own key.

23、Because of me, it is always a kite. And that line is the home of every tree, every flower, I want to fly high and high against the wind and rain, only to keep the family warm again once more.

24、At first, it could only manage a few flaps before it dropped to the ground, but after a few months, it could successfully fly high above our garden trees.

25、So, I say, take off your caps, toss them in the air, and watch them as they fly high in the auditorium sky, because they are a metaphor8for the rest of your lives.

26、Only when a butterfly breaks its cocoon can it fly high! The eagle can soar in the sky only if it does not fear hardships and dangers. Only through hard struggle can we serve our motherland!

27、Every year, thousands of college students devote themselves to their compatriots and start a new college life. There are thousands of graduates who fly high and sail long distances to realize their grand dream of entrepreneurship.

28、Butterflies fly higher than bees.

29、When you lighten up, they'll fly higher.

30、If you walk too fast, you will lose your way, your feet will go too fast, you will fall down, your heart will go too slowly, you will be pale, and your feet will go too slowly, and your dreams will not fly high. The wonderful life is that the heart goes well and the footsteps are just right.