1、Move the mouse pointer over the process diagram.

2、Pointers tabbed section to set your mouse pointer preferences.

3、This is the console mouse pointer (no graphics).

4、"You can use your keyboard instead of a mouse, to move the mouse pointer.

5、Focus or mouse capture take precedence over where the mouse pointer is.

6、Highlight the value: Hold the left mouse button down and drag your mouse pointer over the value.

7、Use to add a mouse pointer (in a variety of states) to a diagram.

8、Move your mouse pointer over the text of the agreement and click.

9、To choose a topic, just touch it with your mouse pointer and click.

10、It's easier to see and follow the mouse pointer if it leaves a trail.

11、Often we see programs that modify the shape of the mouse pointer (also called the X pointer) when in certain states.

12、Position your mouse pointer over the Data View chart, and hold down your left mouse button to display the actual values, as shown in Figure 15.

13、Use panning when you want the recording window to follow the movement of your mouse pointer across the screen.

14、Specifies the shape of the mouse pointer when the mouse is over a particular part of an object at run time.

15、When you wake up someday, if you find the mouse pointer comes form the screen to your mouse pad, don't surprise, it is not the dream.

16、For instance, when your mouse pointer hovers over a bar, the exact stat could appear (like a tool tip does).

17、When the mouse pointer is no longer over the item, you want the dialog to be hidden (a hide action).

18、The handler for this event receives the column index and row index of the mouse pointer position.

19、In the process editor, move the mouse pointer to the far left edge of the process until the pointer changes to an icon indicating that you're adding a connection.

20、In the working example, move the slider pointer at the top of the display a bit to the right (that is, grab it with your mouse pointer, drag it over, then release the first button).

21、And now, if I'm touching mouse pointer, we saw that Boolean expression before, play sound meow, wait a couple of seconds, and then just keep checking.

22、If the text is truncated, you can hover the mouse pointer over the text and a pop up window will show you the full title text (Figure 5).

23、If this happens, hover the mouse pointer over the red circle to display the error message, make the needed correction, and save the file again.

24、The user can override automatic selection of a whole word by momentarily reversing the direction in which the mouse pointer is being dragged as the selection is made.

25、So far the examples have picked objects using the default shape: an imaginary ray going from the viewer's eye position through the mouse pointer into infinity.

26、The pointing unit is designed to enable a mouse pointer to move on a monitor screen depending on the extent of sliding of the pointing unit along the curved surface of the support unit.