1、She greeted them effusively.

2、A fragrance greeted us.

3、They greeted him joyfully.

4、"Hey you," Tom greeted.

5、He greeted her most cordially.

6、Loud cheers greeted the news.

7、she greeted her guests joylessly.

8、Cheering crowds greeted their arrival.

9、The announcement was greeted enthusiastically.

10、They greeted each other stiffly, without affection.

11、...She turned and greeted an approaching figure

12、The industry initially greeted Ovi with scepticism.

13、My hostess greeted me with unexpected cordiality.

14、This speech was greeted by much laughter and applause.

15、Her colleagues greeted her with cheers, hugs and high-fives.

16、As Sam came in the door, the receptionist greeted him.

17、Now Stalin singled them out and greeted them most warmly.

18、The Prime Minister's speech was greeted with boos and jeers.

19、Seconds later, he was greeted by a short, thin, waxy-looking man.

20、When Megrahi was sent back to Tripoli, he was greeted as a hero.

21、Each team was greeted by music played in rotation so that Mali.

22、During the Spring I was greeted by many friendly mosquitoes, so I slept under mosquito netting.

23、It's funny because, in the past, my exhibitions haven't by any means been greeted with praise.

24、Sandra and Peter have arrived at the Rosehill Health Spa for a weekend break. They are greeted by the receptionist.

25、When I first came to Oxford 30 years earlier, any such professionalism would have been greeted with patrician disdain.

26、The latter was surprised to be greeted by a successful, obviously well-educated man in a fine neighborhood.

27、As I was told many westerners said that they didn't get passional response when they greeted Chinese.

28、He was greeted by camera flashes and microphones thrust at him by the hands of eager reporters.

29、Instead of being greeted with jeers, he was hailed as a hero, and inundated with cards and letters from his constituents.