1、I always liked Nell.

2、And Nell was a good woman. I always liked Nell.

3、Nell was plucking a harp.

4、Nell likes talking to himself.

5、L'Etimologia e La Paretimologia Nell' Insegnamento Lessicale

6、Nell valued her money hardly earned.

7、Nell, I'm growing powerful fond of you.

8、Nell Shipman traveled the country directing wild life adventures films.

9、As Nell approached the awful door, it turned slowly upon.

10、His dog Nell started to round up the sheep.

11、Today, I am going to tell you an interesting story. It's Kitty Nell.

12、His wife is a descendant of Charles II and his mistress Nell Gwynn.

13、Nell: Wow, Holly, your place is totally decked out for Halloween. It's cool!

14、Nell: I know, but it was sort of an emergency so I had to go.

15、Why were the eyes of little Nell wet, that night, with tears like those of the two sisters?

16、Nell: Well, I'm really tired from packing all of the stuff all day. And it's about time to clock out.

17、When Charles Dickens wrote about the death of Little Nell in the 1840s, people wept-and I'm sure that the death of characters in j.k..

18、Poor Nell sang him some little ditty which she had learned in happier times, and which was so agreeable to his ear.

19、"It seems to me that we in the middle class bear most of the burden," says Jone Nell Norman, 61, a nurse in Dyersburg, Tenn., who often wonders about the government's judgement in spending her money.

20、The money was indeed in the bank. I had a substantial amount in my new single name bank account. I suppose one way that I could look upon my six years with Nell was as a kind of complicated saving scheme.