1、She looked forward, a little selfishly, to a weekend away from her family.

2、After reading a few bad reviews about this place, I chose to disregard them and book into the strand palace for a weekend away with my boyfriend.

3、On her return, Phil booked them in for a weekend away at Milton Park in the Southern Highlands so they could catch up.

4、Anything from taking out the rubbish to a romantic weekend away is likely to be looked on more favourably if broached at the end of the working day.

5、Dutch entrepreneur has offered couples the chance of a weekend away with a difference - by staying in a hotel where he will help them finalise their divorce.

6、A small bridge takes you between two archways and while it's a hot spot for water sports enthusiasts and anyone craving a weekend away there's something infinitely relaxing about the town.

7、This might be as simple as having a bubble bath or sitting down with a cup of tea, or going on a trip to the gym or a weekend away.

8、But, he says, it is not the only event that the Q network is promoting in Qingdao: "We have also organised other activities, such as a weekend away to Laoshan and an SPA trip to Jimo."