1、geography of sectoral industry

2、multi-sectoral needs assessment

3、integrated sectoral programming approach

4、(a) has substantial sectoral coverage, and

5、cross-country integrated sectoral programming approach

6、Figure 4. 1 provides an overview of sectoral trade taxes and subsidies in various developing countries.

7、For subsequent periodic verification under above sectoral scope is 110,000 RMB.

8、Therefore it demands a population-based, multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary, and culturally relevant approach.

9、Is agriculture actually taxed by sectoral policies, or is it subsidized?

10、Parties not included in Annex I may propose absolute sectoral emission thresholds, as part of their low-carbon development strategy.

11、Logistics is a cross-sectoral inter-departmental composite industries. Broadly speaking logistics enterprises can be divided into logistics and logistics.

12、This is from Xinjiang held recently in recognition of multi-sectoral AIDS meeting that the summary of the work.

13、The IHR foster multi-sectoral global partnership to respond collectively in the face of epidemics and other major health emergencies.

14、Compared with conventional Eplane sectoral horn, it has low sidelobe level, short physical length and wide flare Angle.

15、To develop, standardize the operation of the Ministry of planning and design processes and work procedures, coordinate the sectoral work and learn.

16、We have a global, local, and cross-sectoral presence with the skills to work with public and private sectors, middle income and low income countries.

17、The paper induces the comparative static effects between oil price and goods supply, sectoral product, GDP, employment, income of factors, prices of factors.

18、I agree that sectoral reduction approach is an approach easier to achieve agreement and to be managed compared with current national approach.

19、The sectoral approach to the CDM is part of the EU's negotiating text in talks for a broader global climate treaty, which the United Nations hopes to seal at a major conference at the end of the year.

20、This makes him bear an international vision on energy and climate change, taking into account the context of Chinese energy, economic development, and sectoral dynamics at national and local levels.