1、CPAP unit too noisy.

2、Control groups received fixed pressure CPAP.

3、Assess breathing during sleep with CPAP.

4、CPAP is continuous positive airway pressure.

5、Application Value of CPAP in Neonatal Respiratory Disease

6、Nursing Precautions During Non-invasive CPAP Treatment of COPD Patients

7、Assess client's baseline knowledge of positioning, CPAP/ BiPAP, and PEFR.

8、Participants were randomly assigned to receive either therapeutic CPAP or placebo CPAP, and they returned to the sleep lab for a night of either CPAP titration or mock titration.

9、Objective To investigate the CPAP therapeutic compliance in patients with sleep apnea syndrome.

10、Studies have shown CPAP masks to be extremely effective in treating sleep apnea.

11、Conclusion CPAP ventilation after laparoscopy may improve pulmonary oxygenation and reduce PPCs in aged patients.

12、Significant changes in fatigue and energy were not observed in participants who received placebo CPAP.

13、OBJECTIVES: To determine the impact of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on atherosclerosis.

14、Further analysis found that CPAP appeared to be especially beneficial for participants who were excessively fatigued or sleepy before treatment.


16、Objective: To study the effect of a simple and easy nasy nasal CPAP in the treatment of newborn breathing failure.

17、The researchers measured brachial artery flow-mediated dilation in each participant at baseline and 8 weeks after CPAP therapy.

18、Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP) is considered to be the cornerstone of therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

19、CPAP therapy appears to improve LV systolic function in such patients, they say, but it remains unclear how it impacts on cardiac metabolism and efficiency.

20、Conclusions: in 55% of patients with heart failure and sleep apnea, first-night nasal CPAP eliminates disordered breathing and reduces ventricular irritability.

21、Objective To evaluate the effect of PEEP and CPAP on the oxygenation and shunt fraction during one lung ventilation in video associate thorax-cope surgery(VATS).

22、Not only that, their CPAP and the pressure that is used to dilate the upper airways, was much reduces as well.

23、Explain to interested patients that the standard treatment for sleep apnea is to provide continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, through a mask worn during sleep.


25、They speculate that CPAP may impact fatigue in patients with OSA by reducing inflammation, noting that increases in inflammatory markers in OSA patients have been related to elevated fatigue.




29、由于经鼻塞持续气道正压通气(N - CPAP)具有创伤小、费用低、并发症少等优点,广泛用于新生儿呼吸衰竭的治疗。
