1、a manned space flight

2、the history of manned space flight

3、Even the Europeans, who are much richer, have not got manned space flight programmes.

4、This is why he approves of the development of manned space flight.

5、The three foreign ministers warmly congratulated China on the success of the manned space flight.

6、A more fundamental objection is that manned space flight is a waste of time.

7、China is counting down to its first manned space flight, scheduled for sometime between Wednesday and Friday.

8、The manned space flight marks a tremendous step forward in china's mission of scaling the heights of science and technology.

9、The report also makes irresponsible comments on China's future development programs concerning guided missiles, nuclear weapons and manned space flight.

10、The team of China's Shenzhou-VII manned space flight mission has been rewarded the 2009 space Achievement Award from the US space Foundation.

11、But India is not the only Asian country in the new space race - Iran recently announced that it will attempt a manned space flight by 2021.

12、Now, Nasa hopes to reignite the public's interest in manned space flight and win support for a massive investment in new trips to space.

13、The debate on the value of the Space Shuttle Program is but one facet of the manned vs. unmanned space flight controversy that has raged for decades.

14、Deep in the vast and mostly unpopulated Gobi Desert, China's launch base is quietly awaiting the country's first-ever manned space flight.

15、The American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium hosted a discussion of the future of manned space flight on March 15th.

16、Objective To research and evaluate the ventilation and heat exchange character of the sealed-cabin temperature and humidity control system in manned space flight on the ground.

17、The success of the Shenzhou VI manned space flight shows that China has reached world-class levels in some key areas of science and technology.

18、China took a step forward in its space programme at 9am on Oct 15 when, with the entire nation watching, its first manned space flight Shenzhou V blasted into space.

19、The costs continued to rankle with those who thought manned space flight a waste of money, and three decades spent stuck in low-Earth orbit never stopped frustrating those who wanted to go farther.

20、Scientists say this unmanned space flight can bring exciting discoveries.