1、overshoot rising-up time

2、Modulating pulse overshoot(spike)

3、leading-edge overshoot

4、Derivate feedback is adopted to decrease the overshoot.

5、A theoretical analysis of overshoot of oscilloscope system is presented.

6、If we overshoot, the damage can't be easily undone.

7、I have lost radar contact due to…., if you can not continue visually or on ILS, overshoot, I say again overshoot.

8、When used in correction mechanism of mechanical drive, hydraulic servo system manifests a long time of overshoot, large overshoot and poor correction accuracy.

9、But whatever the cause, it seems to mean fertility rates can overshoot downwards.

10、But there is still some speed shocks, basically there is no overshoot.

11、As far as predicting the technological future is concerned, people almost always either overshoot or undershoot.

12、But exchange rates can overshoot, with consequences for the competitiveness of a country's exports.

13、However, as will be shown later by examples, all usually result in an excessive overshoot.

14、On the theory of sliding mode controlling, this paper presents the method of dual PID regulation based on overshoot, by which both the small overshoot and the short settling time are realized.

15、But the new system is perilous because foreign exchange like all other markets has a tendency to overshoot.

16、It is shown that the satisfied effect in performance such as overshoot stable-time and steady-error was achieved.

17、The granulation is commonly thought to represent the overshoot of the topmost convective elements as they penetrate the stable atmosphere.

18、The bank has lost credibility as the inflation overshoot has persisted and its forecasts have proved incorrect.

19、Because of their inertia, the electrons will overshoot and oscillate around their equilibrium positions with a characteristic frequency known as the plasma frequency.

20、T should not be made larger than necessary since excessive erector damping causes the gyro to overshoot the vertical during erection.

21、The AMB using PID controller have big overshoot, weak disturbance rejection ability and difficult adjustment of parameters, so it is not satisfied.

22、Parametric measurements measure waveform properties such as rise time, fall time, overshoot, period, and amplitude on either a pulse waveform or an eye diagram.

23、HHTM, including both heterostructure effect and nonstationary transport effect such as velocity overshoot effect, expends much shorter calculating time than Monte-Carlo method.

24、Derivative action (referred to by the letter d) measures and responds to the rate of change of process signal, and adjusts the output of the controller to minimise overshoot.

25、It is a product consists of most advanced techniques in the world, such as cold accumulation, fine overshoot and underload PID intelligent temperature controller, high efficiency low noise circulating water pump, unit integration technology, separation design, etc.

26、The tendency of good managers to overshoot, however, can allow disruptive technologies-- cheaper, simpler, and more convenient products or services-- to enter the tiers of the market where customers are already over served by the existing( but more expensive) offerings.

27、To make sure the stability and lower the transient overshoot of the LDO, a buffer stage is used to isolate the pass element and the output of the error amplifier.