1、Inflammation of the pharynx.

2、transitional cell carcinoma of pharynx

3、Repair of pharynx with acellular dermal matrix

4、CT measure of pharynx of OSAHS patients

5、An instrument used in examining the pharynx.

6、Hyperactivity, pharynx pain, aphonia: Sydney Daozhi slowly with the pharynx, daily for 3 ~ 4 times.

7、an infection of the oral pharynx and tonsils by streptococcus.

8、To explore a method for clinical diagnosis of paraesthesia pharynx.

9、Like most worms, helminths synthesize chitin for their pharynx.

10、Pharynx and radix linguage were repaired with single and double pedicle sternocleidomastoid flap in the lateral posterior wall of pharynx or pyriform apertue.

11、How do countless times, the question of its own, but are silent in condensate pharynx.

12、Objective: To analyse and explore the causes and pathogenesis of abnormal sensation of pharynx.

13、My husband is such a nephew, a small fast meat and pharynx not go.

14、The membrane of the pharynx is reinforced with the reserved thyroid cartilage membrane.

15、Clinical material and operation cooperation of 50 patients with pharynx cancer were analyzed retrospectively.

16、Objective: To discuss the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma in nose, pharynx and larynx.

17、The clinician then passes a smaller-caliber endoscope,4.9 mm in diameter, through the nose, pharynx and throat.

18、Objective: To investigate the clinical features and outcome of patients with chondroid chordoma of pharynx and larynx.

19、Methods 68 patients with nasal cavity and pharynx blocked were diagnosed OSAHS by clinical symptoms, and polysomnography (PSG).

20、Other and common still cancer of esophagus cancer, cancer of the liver, nose pharynx, colonic cancer waits.

21、The symptoms were fever (100%), headache (98.5%), pharynx pain (30.75%), cough (23.5%), spleen enlargement (78%) and no eosinophil in blood (98.75%).

22、Larynx (or voice Box) : Hollow, tubular structure connecting the pharynx with the trachea, through which air passes on the way to the lungs.

23、When contained in the mouth, the olive traditional Chinese ointment beneficial to the pharynx has the obvious effect of treating the chronic pharyngitis and the chronic laryngitis.

24、It is noteworthy that in all of the cases reported, the piece of food found to be blocking the pharynx was of very large size.

25、The Ophicephalus argus digestive tract consists of the buccal-pharynx cavity, the esophagus, the stomach, the foregut, the midgut, the hindgut and the pyloric caecum.

26、in some classifications considered a separate phylum: microscopic arachnid-like invertebrates living in water or damp moss having 4 pairs of legs and instead of a mouth a pair of stylets or needle-like piercing organs connected with the pharynx.

27、When the abdomen is full of breath, the breath is slowly exhausted, but the entry and exit are uniform, i.e., the lip and teeth are connected by tongue, and the semen is rinsed inside and outside, but not pharynx.

28、"The tongue pushes liquid or chewed food mixed with saliva into the pharynx. Reflex takes over as the soft palate rises to close off the nasal cavity; the larynx rises and the epiglottis covers the trachea, interrupting Breathing."

29、The arching surface of the lens body is specially designed according to the characteristics of the mouth& fauces dissection, which can meet the intubatton requirement for those patients, who got a high pharynx.