1、Sometimes he gave them a severe admonishment.

2、now,`now;`now then(used before expressing disapproval or admonishment

3、John farming with a famous admonishment serve our country that.

4、Moreover, but also has some taunts and the admonishment sound.

5、He chains them together with the admonishment as for the first woman.

6、Popular novels vibrated between moral admonishment and pleasing the masses since they came into being.

7、It is also an admonishment to people to not deceive themselves or others.

8、In Pre-Qin and Han period, on forced admonishment, Confucian evaluation is self- contradictory, and it wanders from absolute compliment to complete denoucement.

9、Its size will have to be reduced in the next few years -agassiz's admonishment to "Study Nature not Books" posted near the entrance to the library will finally come true.

10、 It is advisable to open the hearts of the emperor, to leave behind the virtues of Emperor Guang, to magnify the morale of the people with lofty ideals. It is not advisable to belittle oneself, to misquote, and to take the road of loyalty and admonishment.

11、It is advisable to open the hearings of the emperor, to leave behind the virtues of Emperor Guang, to magnify the morale of the people with lofty ideals, not to underestimate oneself, to quote unjustly, and to take the road of loyalty and admonishment.