1、With collude of packaging group dark ground.

2、To ignore this problem is to collude in it.

3、In certain industries, companies may actively collude to fix prices.

4、Things of one kind come together; usually means evil doers collude with one another.

5、They gang up on anyone who refuses to collude with there.

6、Or you can collude with your putative competitors: that's why cartels like OPEC exist.

7、The store's "no refunds" policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude.

8、The two superpowers both collude and struggle with each other in a vain attempt to redivide the world.

9、For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

10、The common offender can be a culprit guilty of misappropriating public funds who collude with the state functionary.

11、Computer thieves come through the walls too. They steal technical data, bribe insiders, modify software, and collude.

12、Kind people don't care about everything, cheat on themselves, collude with each other, and win praise from the world.

13、As parents they must surely guide to their children. We are very collude with them. We are a quide light for our children.

14、Opec may not be able to realise its formal ability to collude. But other commodity markets also suffer from effective, if informal, cartelisation.

15、This paper analyses the technics of collude casting and its design, it has been applied to the production of small types of board steel casting.

16、Her crimes--especially that she seduced the warden at the detention center who helped her to collude with others to provide false testimony are indeed serious and justify severe punishment according to the law.

17、He not only encouraged Zhebu Zundamba to secretly collude with the white bandits of Wenganlun, but also undertook activities to overthrow the people's government after the victory of the People's Revolution.

18、Thou shalt not collude on pricing, the regulatory god said unto the Moses of industries in most countries, including China. But the instant noodle cabal either did not hear it or turned a deaf ear.

19、Certainly,collusion is not always advantage to the buyer. At first-price collusive bidding mechanism,it is not always profit for the ring member to collude if the seller can change his reserve price with the collusive behavior.

20、"Where tax officials collude with taxpayers or withholding agents, or instigate or assist the same to commit the offenses specified in Article 40, 41, 42 and 44 of this Law, a punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions regarding joint offenses stipulated in the Criminal Law."