1、3. Define movable type.

2、3. 定义movable type

3、The composition of printed material from movable type.

4、The art and technique of printing with movable type.

5、After the invention of clay and movable type, all kinds of metal movable type appeared one after another, which added new members to the big family of movable type printing and made the printing technology develop rapidly.

6、In 1439 Johann Gutenberg became the first European to print from movable type.

7、This fear dates back to at least the invention of movable type.

8、Block-printing was invented 1,300 years ago, and movable type 800 years ago.

9、By contrast, Gutenberg’s bibles – the first European book printed with movable type – were printed in the 1450’s.

10、A subroutine is a part of a program that can be re-used, just like movable type.

11、From Shang Dynasty to Song Dynasty, China had made overall preparations for metal movable type printing technique.

12、German printer who is traditionally considered the inventor of movable type. His Mazarin Bible(c.1455) is believed to be the first book printed with such type.

13、Outside of scholarly circles, the top candidate is usually the better-known Print Revolution, usually associated with Johannes Gutenberg, who helped introduce movable type to Europe.

14、Just as for the industrialisation of data centres, there is a historic precedent for this shift in architecture: the invention of movable type in the 15th century.

15、"It is still now, but it will soon be easily computerised. By then it will really become the fifth greatest invention of China in addition to paper making, gun powder, the compass and the movable type printing."

16、Gutenberg's invention of movable type.took words out of the sole possession of monastic scriveners and placed them before the wider public(Irvin Molotsky)