1、The Subject data field will be evaluated as the constant value.

2、The operating flexibility of projects of such sequential investment is evaluated as well.

3、The DQE and QAD of a system are evaluated as an illustrative example.

4、The results indicate that the meadow resources in most different slopes and different months are evaluated as "good".

5、Antisecretory agents, receptor antagonist, antisense polynucleotide and anti-gastrin antibody have been evaluated as anti-gastrin therapy of gastrointestinal tumour.

6、Though band ratio is highly evaluated as a single method in oil-gas exploration, the effect is far from satisfactory.

7、Any system changes should always be evaluated as to whether they will require some changes to the disaster recovery plans.

8、Those whose work is evaluated as good should be paid at a different rate from those who have done poorly.

9、As a result, several patients with respiratory symptoms and a history of possible exposure to the avian virus are being evaluated as part of ongoing surveillance efforts.

10、The uncertainty of the Cs Atomic Frequency Standard System is evaluated as well as the result of measurement of a nanosecond universal counter.

11、The all factors influencing measurement uncertainty of Arsenic and Selenium in water by AFS were analyzed and evaluated as well as the uncertainty of measurement results.

12、While being widely evaluated as a high technology providing high efficiency, the global mobile satellite system entails enormous investment and costs, causing high risks.

13、The results of 24 cases of treatment on 6 experimental milch goats showed that one of these was evaluated as excellent, 17 Cases-good. 6 Cases-acceptable.

14、The simulation game is lively and interesting and easy to learn, and it has high interactive features. It has been evaluated as one of the most valuable trainings by the customers.