1、The warriors stand behind them.

2、The crowd had to stand behind barriers.

3、Please stand behind the police barricade.

4、We stand behind every country making this effort.

5、I will stand behind you, betraying the world.

6、"Millions of Chinese citizens stand behind you," read one message that lit up Mr. Zou's cellphone.

7、Even Mariano Rivera has had his issues. Apparently Eiland can't stand behind those guys, either.

8、Chaging your Habbo clothes again? Best stand behind one of these! Dragon Screen costs 8 Credits.

9、Ladies and gentlemen, please stand behind the yellow line with your baggage.

10、Once you are clear on your message, stand behind it and don't waffle.

11、 Doctors and governors stand on the right, psychologists sit on the left, young people stand behind psychologists, and each of us is absorbed.

12、The American women's liberation movement was started by women who don't want to stand behind successful men.

13、These are not key to Ireland's economy, so the government does not have to stand behind them.

14、Even if the whole world is against you, I will stand behind you and betray the whole world for you.

15、So whether you're inside or outdoors, try to stand behind the sun or away from overhead lights.

16、Unmarried female guests will stand behind the bride and whoever catches the bouquet will be the next to be married.

17、The magnificent buildings stand behind the open small square, and the pigeons walk up and down the square, where the citizens of good deeds show their signs unscrupulously.

18、Sometimes, we can fight alone, even if we are hurt, even if we are crying, even if we stand behind us, all of us will fall down.

19、France and Belgium may be able to stand behind Dexia but supporting entire banking systems is beyond the capacity of many sovereigns.

20、Because I know that while I am establishing my career, you will always stand behind me as my backer, freeing me from extra worries.

21、In any initiative we introduce, the public will stand behind the CPC as long as its banner is clear and its members step into action.

22、Dark as her sister was fair, with heavily lidded eyes and a strong jaw, she did not take her gaze from Snape as she moved to stand behind Narcissa.

23、I have visited some of the newer supposedly "effective" schools, where children shout slogans in order to learn self-control or must stand behind their desk when they can't sit still.

24、I could only stand behind him to accompany him, I had nothing to say, my mind was blank... Just by looking at his back, my heart broke to pieces.

25、The governments of France and Belgium said this week they would stand behind the debts of Dexia, a perennially troubled lender, while also engineering a break-up of the bank.

26、On the opposite side of Black Dragon Pool, the trees are lush and lush. The willows near the pool are as elegant as the sleeves of ancient ladies. There are mountains that stand behind them, called "Elephant Mountain".