1、It is part of pageantry.

2、 Colorful, showy display; pageantry or pomp.

3、all the pageantry of a coronation

4、Harmoniously the gates attune their black pageantry.

5、Pomp and ceremony, especially attended with armorial trappings;pageantry.

6、London was a blaze of pageantry and colour.

7、Although her popular image was contrived It 'served to inspire music and pageantry.

8、Pomp, pageantry and symbolism mark the first day of this visit.

9、Come, join us in the magic of the Pacific and the pageantry of its people.

10、There was no shortage of pageantry for the royal couple in the evening.

11、the bright stars of stage and screen; a bright moment in history; the bright pageantry of court.

12、For more than six years, I was a partaker of the pageantry of European history and culture.

13、Come into being magical pageantry, the color of fish dazzle the eyes and coral with many color and appearance etc. Then enjoy a rich lunch in ship.

14、In this climate, Buckingham Palace has been mindful of the need to not appear too extravagant, while maintaining the pageantry and pomp that is always demanded of them.

15、The 23-year-old groom, Wang Xueqian, who bore the cost of the pageantry, hired wedding planner Hu Lu to plan the nuptials.Apparently Mr.

16、No traditional costumes here: Modern-day pageantry marks the changing of the guard at the gates of Prague Castle, a complex that includes royal residences and churches.

17、Do you think this pageantry and glitz detract in any way from the sport being more recognized more officially, say, by the Olympics?

18、The World Cup can be filled with magical moments of skill but the pageantry of the tournament also includes those ridiculous moments of absurdity that add another layer of color.

19、WASHINGTON, Jan.4— In a day of transition and pageantry, exultant Democrats on Thursday took control of both houses of Congress for the first time in a dozen years and elected the first woman to be speaker of the House.

20、Life, is the line of light and shadow, whether it is the breeze with green, the rain is fine as silk, or the autumn moon is full, the flower fragrance is full of the bowl, is a self intoxicated pageantry, no words, is the deepest understanding in the heart of the brow.