1、I am also newish to coding.

2、Two newish discoveries in particular tickle commercial fancies.

3、The Singularity isn't a wholly new idea, just newish.

4、Another whispered location is Block 37, a newish building across the street from Daley Plaza.

5、Its newish management is trying to cut costs and spruce up its business at home.

6、To his credit, Mario Draghi, the newish governor of the bank of Italy, called for banking consolidation earlier this summer.

7、Dr Hammond and her colleagues used a newish thin-film fabrication technique known as "layer-by-layer".

8、On November 17th UBS’s newish boss, Oswald Grübel, a hard-bitten veteran who was hauled out of retirement in February, outlined plans to turn the bank around.

9、If you remap the zodiac using Earth's current position, you get a different telling of who's an Aries, Leo, and so on — including a newish sign called Ophiuchus.

10、As it happens, the newish CHP leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu (nicknamed Gandhi for his ascetic ways), has been a huge improvement on his dinosaur of a predecessor, Deniz Baykal.

11、Yet Australia has problems of its own with its single, albeit newish reactor, and has recently been importing isotopes from South Africa.

12、ARRIVING at the airport in Senegal’s capital, Dakar, you have a fair chance that the newish-looking taxi taking you into town will not be the usual French or Japanese model, but Iranian.

13、And here was Apple's newish head of design, Jonathan Ive, talking about the product in a video—back when he let his hair grow and before he had permanently donned his dark T-shirt uniform.

14、But in the past few weeks three newish factors have coalesced to create a set of circumstances that could shake the country up: for better, if matters are handled carefully, or for much worse.