1、EA is the theory of rumination about human EA conception.

2、Estimation and future EA planning.

3、Estimation and EA implementation planning.

4、Defining a standard core EA modeling language.

5、The EA Talent Scout campaign is back!

6、Enterprise architecture (EA) is not software code.

7、Synthesis of Porous Copolymer[P(St-EA-MAA)] Particles

8、EA models are stored in an MOF-based repository.

9、EA is concerned with aligning it systems with business strategy.

10、Set an EA strategy with metric based goals.

11、Comparison between EA and CSEA Anesthesia on Cesarean Section Surgery


13、Boeing delivered the first fleet EA-18G and an EA-18G aircrew trainer to the Navy's Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129 at Whidbey in June 2008.



16、We created an MOF-based common meta-model to support ea models. MOF-based EAML was limited to the following sub-set of ea models.

17、Specifically, you should know how your EA implements your company's operating model.

18、In this article, we will investigate suitable elements from OOAD, EA, and BPM.

19、That is, the EA process must support the enhancement of enterprise services.


21、A recommendation is to split the policy makers and enforcers from these EA groups.

22、Today, Northrop Grumman is delivering ICAP (Improved Capability) III systems for incorporation into Marine Corps EA-6B Prowlers and a derivative of that system for the EA-18G Growlers.

23、EA activity of GCF sample can be influenced by the category of buffer and the storage temperature.


25、The EA-18G Maintenance Trainer (EAMT) is a set of three devices used to train Navy maintenance technicians to support the EA-18G's unique systems, primarily the AEA avionics.

26、The results indicated that FA-EA-(FITC)2 accumulated within tumor obviously while it was nearly invisible in major organs, it manifest that FA-EA-(FITC)2 have preferable ability to target tumor.


28、Some EA modeling tools are based on the OMG's UML standard, which allows integration via exchange of XMI files.

29、研究了EA - 22作为清洁压裂液增稠剂的流变*能。
