1、An acceptance has no effect unless and until it is communicated to the offeror.

2、I will not believe it unless and until he tells me so.

3、No doubt you're having trouble with this part: "…shall not be effective unless and until the Seller does not rescind…""

4、However, unless and until the Treaty enjoyed universal adherence, States parties would continue to be exposed to risks.

5、The Contractor shall not make any alteration and/or modification of the Permanent Works, unless and until the Engineer instructs or approves a Variation.

6、Grits look like white, lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall-paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter, salt, and gravy (especially red-eye gravy, which is made with pan drippings and coffee).

7、However, no rights and obligations for the supply of the Products shall arise between Supplier and Distributor unless and until a firm order has been accepted in writing by Supplier.

8、The terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto, but the terms (and the possible sale itself) are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written Contract signed by Possible Seller and Possible Buyer.

9、"An instrument in the form of a note payable to maker's order is not a note within the meaning of this section, unless and until it is indorsed by the maker."

10、7.Concentrate your mind on the can-do portion of the tasks you face. Don't worry about the cannot-do portion unless and until you meet it face-to-face.

11、unless and until all payments by Seller to Buyer are no longer subject to any right on the part of any person whomsoever to set aside such payments or seek to recoup the amount of such payments, or any part thereof