1、All cover FX, DX and film unless otherwise noted.

2、Information comes from the National Confectioners Association unless otherwise noted.

3、MAXIMUM RATINGS Full operating ambient temperature range applies, unless otherwise noted.

4、We anticipate that each laboratory will take about two weeks, unless otherwise noted.

5、Homework is due at the next class meeting, unless otherwise noted.

6、All materials used in the pack are black, unless otherwise noted.

7、All Development News Media Center articles, photos and graphics are copyrighted to the World Bank, unless otherwise noted.

8、Despite not liking the term, it's used; so for this article, when referring to the term cluster, I mean clustering for high availability (unless otherwise noted).

9、All communications and notices made or given pursuant to this Agreement, and all documentation and support to be provided, unless otherwise noted, shall be in the English language.

10、Here, we complete our survey of the various widgets in the org.eclipse.swt.widgets and org.eclipse.swt.custom packages (unless otherwise noted, the controls I discuss are in the widgets package).

11、You must precede all options (unless otherwise noted) with either a dash (-) or a slash (/). The options are not case sensitive. Therefore, the following options are all identical: -d /d -D /D.