1、playmates ducking each other in the pool;

2、He was quit for a ducking.

3、Is he ducking out on us again?

4、You knew that already, "I reminded him, ducking my head."

5、They accused him of ducking all the issues at stake.

6、He nodded at me, muttering, "Sylvie," before ducking back into Hattie's caress.

7、Is the kill behind me because you know, I don't mind ducking.

8、At the ducking of the hens, the chicks scrambled for the feed, chirping.

9、It's just an "ugly ducking"! We don't like to stay with you.

10、Huntington lived the life of his choice, neither seeking controversies nor ducking them.

11、Now…the graphics are so detailed and engaging, you’ll find yourself ducking out of the way of on-screen adversaries.

12、We will be addressing the G20 countries, as their wealth and power deprives them of excuses for ducking their obligations.

13、Oh, Amanda. When will they allow you to have a ducking stool all of your very own?

14、Like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, he was gigling in the hally.

15、The branch broke, and John got a ducking. But it did him good, for it taught him to be more careful.

16、The swimmer is seen ducking under water in an attempt to escape the swans, as the person filming shouts in the background.

17、In other years, spring tiptoes in. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway.

18、The fleeing criminal would dodge from court to court through the maze of twisting streets, finally ducking into a house or climbing across the sloping roofs.

19、Off a duck's back a sitting duck an ugly duckling play ducks and drakes with sthgive sb a ducking, ie push him into or under the water

20、My ducking my head like this whenever he reaches for me is a kind of hiding—I'm avoiding a simple goodnight kiss. But it's also a kind of not-hiding, too.

21、In the one moment he saw his opponent ducking out of his field of vision and the background of white, watching faces; in the next moment he again saw his opponent and the background of faces.

22、Some people are seriously afflicted with selfish departmentalism: they are always ducking responsibility, jockeying for power and wrangling with others, thinking only of the interests of their own unit.

23、Miss Daisy was happy as a puppy accelerating out of each corner, rushing ahead on a stretch of straight road, then ducking down to dip into the next corner.