1、He had to repeat the fourth grade.

2、He himself had only finished the fourth grade.

3、He skipped the fourth grade because of his aptitude.

4、Magan started hunting when she was in the fourth grade.

5、He was in the third grade last year and now he is in the fourth grade.

6、It shows an assessment of reading proficiency levels in fourth grade.

7、63% of black school children in fourth grade are left behind proficiency levels.

8、That was in fourth grade! How could you still be upset?

9、Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school."

10、In fourth grade want to be a leader, because the leadership can lead a team to achieve targets;

11、In fourth grade she told me she wanted to be thin so no one would tease her.

12、They finally reached the fourth grade, fascinated to read the novel, it is what kind of crazy.

13、In fourth grade I read a certain day, a casual one aiming, but it did change my views on reading.

14、The books for the third and fourth grade contain Stories of the American Revolution, Selections from Famous Writers, and Ancient Myths and Legends.

15、In addition, co-generation scheme between first grade oil and fourth grade oil is put forward, which can maximize both nutritive value and economic benefit of rice bran oil.

16、Libra: you send valentines to everyone you know: your hairdresser, your fourth grade teacher, your manicurist, your manicurist's cousin... you don't want anyone to feel left out.

17、The study and life of twenty-five primary schools ended when I was in fourth grade. My family moved to Nanjing.

18、Thomas Edison was thrown out of school in fourth grade, at about age 10, because he seemed to the teacher to be quite dull and unruly.

19、In fourth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who was willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck with Nasty Nicky or Smelly Susan.

20、Last year, for example, a fourth grader had to get 37 out of 70 possible points on the math test to reach level 3 (out of 4), or grade level.

21、 The cold war between children is always very short. When Yun Shengxi became a pupil, the fourth grade Yun Luo's armband had two more bars and became a squadron leader.

22、I think my interest in the latter started in fourth grade when I saw a photo of an angler fish (click at your own risk) for the first time — and subsequently had nightmares for weeks.

23、A word problem test was administered to 123 students from the second to fourth grade by experiment method and clinical interview method, in order to explore the difference of representation strategy between superior students and inferior students when they solved comparable word problem.

24、 Laijindor is ten years old and is in the fourth grade of elementary school. He always ranks first in his class. He plays table tennis beautifully. His only hobby is reading. As long as he grasps the words, he must read them.

25、Who could turn down an innocent fourth grader?