1、A sage once reduced all virtue to the golden mean.

2、findthe golden mean between drunkenness and total abstinence

3、The golden mean is a great discovery of Confucius. It is an important part of the golden mean view that a great achievement is too much.

4、He prefers a golden mean between free business and state intervention.

5、Journalists should adhere to the "golden mean" of impartiality, impartiality and objectivity.

6、No surprise many photographers choose the golden mean: the medium format!

7、The golden mean says moderation in all things is the best way to live one's life.

8、However, the golden mean is not the only reference point for the appreciation of beauty.

9、Can be seen that the "golden mean" as the core of Chinese corporate culture, pregnancy hidden and profound Chinese culture.

10、"The golden mean" is not a simple average and compromise, but unbiased, not less and not much.

11、According to this knowledge, golden mean is used to discuss the spatial correlation of earthquake with magnitude 8.

12、Is the golden mean of happiness and wisdom and tragedy and wisdom really so difficult to defend?

13、The quintessence or soul of the said legal culture coming from the Confucianism is the "golden mean".

14、The philosophic connotation of doctrine of the golden mean could be summarized as four principles, namely moderation, integrity, flexibility and harmony.

15、Although the road to improvement is long, the golden mean is safe, easily accepted by the system and people, and acceptable to the vested interests of their own.

16、In philosophy, especially that of Aristotle, the golden mean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.

17、It shows that the earthquakes of magnitude 8 are correlated in space and this phenomenon can be depicted quantitatively by use of golden mean.

18、Based on the common philosophy of the golden mean, this kind of love starts from the family members and then spreads to the society and the whole universe.

19、The final outcome of all struggles for people and society is probably the golden mean. Instead of being serious, pick up the chrysanthemum under the East hedge and see Nanshan leisurely.

20、In a similar quest for the golden mean, several members of parliament this week urged the government to reinstate summer time until late October, in line with most of Europe and America.

21、Therefore, the doctrine of the golden mean has become the doctrine of learning to be a good official, which is regarded as an ideal realm for a successful manager.

22、Everyone's spearhead is also directed at those barbarians, and no one has linked the chaos of the golden mean with the policy of relief and disaster prevention of the imperial court and Li Chao.

23、I don't know when I started to polish my edges and corners. No longer angry for a trifle, and no longer resentful for some small people. I am faced with a kind of golden mean, not seeking merit, but asking for nothing.